Do I Have to Build a List? One of the most common question asked by new online marketers is "Do I Have To Build A List?" The truth is, there are many ways to make money online. Some make money through blogging, which involves getting readers hooked onto your blog content and wanting to come back everyday to read new stuff. While others dabble with e-commerce or drop-shipping. However, if you are in the business of information marketing, it is highly recommended that you build an email list. Why is that? With an email list, not only can you continuously build rapport with your subscribers, you can also offer them products of interest. Traffic that comes and is not captured is a waste. People are looking for specific information and they will leave forever once they have found out. However, if you manage to capture their emails, you can continue to provide value and turn them into your loyal customers or followers. One more good reason – With an email autoresponder, you can automate emails so that new subscribers will automatically be funneled through a series of emails which will lead to a sale eventually. Can you say passive income? For more insider tips to build your list download your free report "100 Ways to Build a Profitable Email List" from the link below... YOUR LINK