What Exactly Is A “Digital Product”? You may be wondering what exactly a “digital product” is. A digital product can be an ebook, a software product, a membership site, an email series, an audio or video training program, etc. Essentially, it is a product that cannot be physically held in your hands like a physical book, CD, DVD, Blu-Ray disc, software box, etc. Thus, a digital product is a product that can be used for information or for features/benefits like a physical product, but cannot be physically held and can only be used on a PC/laptop or on a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet. A common digital product that is used and sold online is an ebook. An ebook stands for “electronic book” because the book can only be accessed on an electronic device such as a PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet, or ebook reader (such as a Kindle or Nook, etc.). This ebook can have useful and interesting information in it, just as a physical book does. The advantage with an ebook is that it doesn’t take up any space for the buyer/user. The advantage with an ebook for a seller is that you don’t have to physically ship anything to the buyer; it can be delivered digitally to the buyer, either to his/her email inbox via an attachment or via a download link where the buyer downloads it at his/her convenience. Another common digital product that is used and sold online is a software program. Like the physical software programs you buy in-store and online, digital software programs provide the user with features that aid him/her in doing something, whether it’s creating graphics or infographics, composing emails or text documents, doing keyword or book research, etc. The advantages for a buyer when purchasing a digital software program is that he/she doesn’t have to use a CD or DVD to install the software onto his/her computer; he/she can either use it when he/she is online or can download the program directly from the Internet and install it. The advantages for a seller when selling a digital software program is that he/she doesn’t have to physically ship the program to the buyer; instead, it is delivered digitally to the buyer, either to his/her email inbox via an attachment or via a download link where the buyer downloads it at his/her convenience. Thus, digital products allow the buyers/users to not have to store them in their homes/apartments, but can use them like their physical counterparts. Digital products allow sellers to avoid having to carry inventory of physical product; they just have to deliver the product digitally to the buyer either as an attachment to a message in the buyer’s inbox or as a download link inside that message for the buyer to download at his/her convenience. For more strategies to create your own products download your special report "10 Ways to Create Digital Products Fast" from the link below... YOUR LINK