Building an Irrefusable Launch Offer Your offer, more than anything else, is what will determine how successful your product launch is. The more "good stuff" someone gets (or feels they get) from a product, the more likely they are to buy. It's your job to structure it so they really get the sense that they're going to get a lot by crafting an irrefusable offer for your launch. => Describing the Product in Parts Rather than creating one "product," it's often much more effective to break it up into modules, discs or lessons. That way, you're able to promote your product as multiple parts rather than just one part. The perceived value of twelve discs, each with an individual lesson, each sold with spectacular copy, is just much higher than the perceived value of a single product. => Bonuses Bonuses can increase your conversions by a lot. In fact, if you have great bonuses, some people will purchase your entire program just to get their hands on a particular bonus that they fell in love with. The "pile on bonuses" technique has been popular with marketers for many years. And for good reason, too - it just makes the offer that much sweeter. If you can increase the total value of your offer from $40 to $300 through bonuses and still be charging just $20 for the product, they're much more likely to buy. => Crafting the Launch Day Offer The offer of what they'll get if they buy within 24 to 48 hours of launch day is crucial. This is what will get people to either buy now, or likely forget to buy at all. The key here is to create urgency. The best way to do that is to create a special offer, just for the day of the launch. There are three ways to do this: 1: To give a special discount, which closes after a certain period of time. 2: To give a special discount, which closes after a certain number has been sold. 3: To use either #1 or #2, but to discontinue selling the product altogether after the allotted time or quantity has expired. Naturally, #3 creates the most urgency, but can limit your long-term earnings by not letting people buy a product they'd otherwise want to purchase. That said, an offer like #3 can often earn several months of income all at once. Another way to combine these kinds of offers is to use #3 and discontinue the product after the launch, then make it available for the general audience six months down the line. The launch day offer is crucial, because it adds the all-important aspect of urgency. Put some time into thinking about what would really motivate your audience to act now rather than later. Ask yourself: what would motivate you, if you were in their position? YOUR LINK