Finding JV Partners and Affiliates for a Launch One of the best ways to get a new product off the shelves is to promote it to other people's lists. You get to tap into huge wells of existing traffic, many of which have a lot of existing trust already. In other words, you'll be getting "warm" or even "hot" traffic that's already pre-sold on purchasing your product, rather than "cold" traffic that often doesn't convert well. How do you find these JV partners and affiliates? => Start with Existing Contacts in the Industry If you've been in your industry for a while, you probably know a few other influential people. Contact them first. Let them know what you're doing and propose a win-win joint venture deal. Give them the product and let them vet it, as most people won't promote a product without first making sure it passes their own quality tests. => Announce It to Your Affiliate List If you have an existing affiliate program, then send an email out to all your existing affiliates about your upcoming launch. If you're using a system that doesn't automatically collect affiliate email addresses (e.g. ClickBank, which just gives you IDs of affiliates), then create a separate list in your list management software for affiliates to sign up to. Having a list of affiliates is a powerful tool, especially when it comes to things like product launches. => Cold Calling Potential Partners One of the highest paid personality traits in business is the willingness to pick up the phone. If you've built a strong reputation for yourself already, cold calling won't be nearly as difficult as you think. If someone's already heard about you, they'll be much more receptive to hearing a proposal. If you're brand new to the market, you'll probably have a hard time convincing a "bigger" player to promote you. That said, if you have a great product and can get them on the phone to build a connection, it can be done. More often than not, deals are done between people who have been in the space for some time. If you have some reputation points already, don't hesitate to just pick up the phone and call people who you want to be your partners. => Buzz Building and Contests One fun and effective way to bring on new partners is to host a contest. For example, give away the latest Apple laptop to the person who sells the most products. Or create a series of prizes, with the first place getting to choose first, second place choosing second and so on. Contests tend to spread virally in the marketing community. If you have a great prize, affiliates and JV partners who you've never even heard of will come out of the woodwork to compete. Contests and buzz allow you to bring affiliates to you, rather than having to reach out to them. These are just a few ways to get affiliates for a product launch. Using your own contacts, announcing it to your affiliate list, cold calling partners you want and hosting contests are all proven methods for getting other people to sell a brand-new product. YOUR LINK