Using Multiple Media to Increase Sales Using just one media to launch a product will have a limited appeal to a lot of people. On the other hand, if you get a mix of traditional email and website marketing, combined with audio, video, teleseminars and social networking, you'll create a much more dynamic, fun and engaging launch process. Here's a bit about each type of media and how it's used. => Teleseminars Teleseminars are one of the highest converting ways to run a JV campaign or affiliate campaign. A plain email sent to a JV list usually has one big problem: they don't know who you are. Even though you're being endorsed by the list owner, they're still hearing about you for the first time and just don't have the same level of trust developed as someone who's been following you for a while. The teleseminar solves this issue. By having both you and someone they already know and trust on the call, the credibility is instantly passed over to you. You can then deliver a content-packed 40-minute presentation, followed by a short pitch to promote the actual launch. => Using Video Video sales letters have taken online sales to a whole 'nother level. In the past, it was rare for pages to get any higher than 2% conversions. With video sales letters, conversions as high as 8% and above are possible. Why? Because people get to attribute a real face and personality to what they're seeing. If you're congruent and believable, the increased trust makes it a lot easier for someone to feel comfortable pulling out their credit card. The videos don't have to be high-tech or expensive. With just a $200 camera and a $50 mic, you can create a compelling series of videos to compliment your sales campaign. => Social Networking Social networking can help your content go viral. It's rare that someone will love your content so much that they'd actually forward an email or website to a friend. But to "like" it on Facebook or "retweet" it on Twitter is both much easier and much more socially accepted. Choose one to three social networks to build a presence on. They should be social networks your audience is already on. For example, the younger tech-centric audience might be more prominent on Twitter, while the older and more professional network will more likely be found on LinkedIn. => Creating Your Own Mix of Media Instead of coming up with a new mix of media for every launch, you'll save a lot of time and energy by mastering just one formula. Perhaps text and video works best for you. Others might run product launches with twenty teleseminars. Still others create tons of viral, link-baiting content designed to spread like wildfire through social networks. Pick your own set of media and learn the ins and outs of it. Don't just use text; but create a mix that works for you. YOUR LINK