7 Things You Can Do To Improve Your Resell Rights Sales Page My first resell rights product had, let’s say, a sales page which had much left to be desired. It was really just a basic layout with a title, sub-title, and a rough explanation of the product. It hardly made me any sales – I was lucky I even received any but at the time I thought that what was given to me was the end all and be all of how to sell the product. Little did I know at the time is that you can modify and re-write and re-design the entire sales page to really increase your conversions! Here’s a few things that I do to ensure high conversions.. 1. Explain why they’re at your website and what the problem is. 2. Explain in detail how you’re going to fix it. If you’re selling an eBook, provide a synopsis of each chapter. If you’re selling a video, explain what each video will answer and provide a sample screenshot. 3. Include a money-back guarantee. Make it clear and create a separate graphic for it so that it stands out! Give a 30 day guarantee as a minimum. I’ve even provided a lifetime guarantee before. If your product is good, you’ll have nothing to hide and nothing to lose! 4. Include the range of credit card and PayPal logos below the buy now button. 5. Include a 128-bit SSL security logo below the credit card logos. 6. State that their purchase will be available immediately after payment. 7. Take a screenshot of the page they’ll see next. You can go a step further and provide a video of how to order. Those are just some of the tweaks off the top of my head. There are a lot more but there’s more than enough for any beginner. YOUR LINK