How To Find Qualified Writers To Write Your Book When wanting to create your infoproduct, you may either not be able or not want to write your own ebook. Thus, you will have to find qualified writers to write your book for you. There are some locations where you can look to find them. There are several notable outsourcing websites where qualified writers and other skilled people are available from,,,, Fiverr is usually a good place to start for most outsourcing projects, with services starting at just $5. However, Level 2 sellers can charge more, but these sellers have been on Fiverr for a while and have many high-rated customer reviews, so they have an established track record for providing quality services such as ebook writing. Enter “ebook writer” or “ebook writing” in the Fiverr search box and look through the listings to see whose listing you want to look at in more detail. You can look at each listing and see what they have to offer; many Fiverr sellers will provide several different levels of package that vary in word length, revisions provided, and cost. Alternatively, you can go to one of the other listed outsourcing sites. These work a bit differently from Fiverr in that you need to find an outsourcer you wish to communicate with or hire, then get in touch with that outsourcer via the site’s messaging service and inform him/her of your requirements. You then negotiate a price that works for both of you, then hire him/her to write your ebook. A third option you can consider is finding online writing forums, becoming a member of those forums, conversing with other members of a forum, then reaching out to one of them and asking them about writing your ebook. These online writing forums really focus on specific elements of writing, so it make take some time to find the right person to fit your requirements, but with their apparent devotion to writing and improving their craft, it is a possible option for you to consider using to write your ebook. Thus, there are several sites you can go to to find your ideal writer for your ebook. Fiverr is a great place to start, and the cost can be as low as $5. Other outsourcing sites like Elance, Guru, and Upwork can also provide quality writers at a higher price. Finally, becoming a member of online writing forums and asking someone on there who fits what you are looking for in terms of writing experience and expertise in your topic of interest is another possible option to finding the qualified writer who can write your book. YOUR LINK