How to Sell Using a Sales Funnel If you want to sell a high ticket product, then you need to work for it. Think about what you’re asking here: not only is someone going to be spending a lot of money to buy something from you but they’re also doing it while knowing nothing about you. They aren’t even meeting you in person which means you could be completely pulling the wool over their eyes for all they know! The question you need to ask yourself is how you can go from being a complete stranger, to someone that they trust enough to give $2,000! One way of accomplishing this is with what’s known as a ‘sales funnel’. Let’s see what that means. What is a Sales Funnel? Essentially, a sales funnel is a series of ‘steps’ that you lead a new visitor through in order to get them to buy from you. The saying goes that it takes five ‘touches’ for someone to trust a stranger online enough to spend a lot of money on their product, so your funnel is going to represent those five steps. This might look like follows: * Website * Mailing list * Free web seminar * Affordable product * Big ticket product At each stage in this process you are building more trust with your potential buyer, you are getting them more involved and you are making it easier for them to pull the trigger on a big product. So why does this work? Why Sales Funnels Work The first step is your website. This is entirely passive and free. That is to say that someone can find it on their own, read what you have to say and then leave. In doing so though, they are getting introduced to your brand and they are getting a free taster of the kind of value you’re capable of delivering. Hopefully, they’ll like this enough that they’ll want to read more from you in future and they’ll sign up to your mailing list. This then gives you a direct line of contact. Your audience can now get emails from you and will feel like an active part of your community. Next, you can offer them a free seminar. It’s free and exciting so they’ll probably visit but in doing so they are now actively participating with your brand. Again, this is an additional ‘step’ on top of what you were doing before and they are now more involved. This is also where you promote your cheap product. The cheap product then gets them used to buying from you and helps build trust in your sales process. The result? They’re now primed and ready to buy that big ticket item! YOUR LINK