re: 2 cent clicks with fb ads? If you read my email the other day you'll know that there is a quick, reliable and cheaper way of getting traffic to any site you want using the power of Facebook Ads! YOUR LINK?l This course reveals secrets to getting insanely cheap traffic for as little as $0.02 cents per click! This is not 'dirt' traffic either - this is targeted traffic that are full of buyers! If you're working too hard to get your traffic organically using articles, link submissions, press releases, video submissions and so on, and need another source of traffic that doesn't require any effort on your part, then this new course is ideal for you! Here's a more in-depth look at what's inside... Video #1: Introduction To Facebook Ads - The benefits of Facebook Ads - How you can utilize Facebook as keys to cheap effective targeted traffic - How you can create Facebook ads and how you can reap benefits from them - The way you should be looking at ads that fail - Methods to tweak your ad campaigns and how you should be open to change Video #2: Setting Up A Tracking System Using Prosper 202 - How to set up your tracking system - How to keep your focus completely on your ads - How to utilize Prosper 202 Tracking System to your advantage and reap benefits out of it - How to set up your own account and the ways to go about it - How to set an account for yourself by taking a look at an example Video #3: Research Analysis - What you should do before you begin running a Facebook ad campaign - Why knowing your audience is important - The inside mechanics of creating an ad - The things that you need to bear in mind in particular - About the people whom you should target and targeting options Video #4: Creating A Good Image - Why it is critical to use images for your ad campaigns - Using images to capture marketers' attention - Term called "retargeting" by means of an example - How you can make the images you choose benefit your ad campaign - The different ways to make an image appealing Video #5: Working With The Headlines - Why you should make your headline "explode" - How a simple headline can do wonders for your Facebook Ad campaign - Some examples of what is called as "exploding headlines" - Headlines to use that grab the attention of the audience - Things you should and should NOT say in your headlines Video #6: Working With The Body Content - The 90 characters that you need to write for the body of your ad - How you can make the audience read into your ad and not just walk away after seeing your headline - Why it is important to be precise in the body of the ad - Making people click on your ad using the 90 characters you are allowed - Insights on how an ad gets accepted or rejected by Facebook algorithms Video #7: Targeting Effectively - What is the key to cheap clicks - The upside and downside of targeting - How you can target the interests of people looking at your ad campaigns - Parameters that are critical to successful ad campaigns - How you would be able to determine the interests of people whom you are targeting Video #8: Getting Your Ads Approved - How you can actually get your ads approved - Basic things you need to understand about Facebook's terms of service - Why understanding Facebook's policies and guidelines is critical - The privacy policy of any landing page and why it is important - Essential things that you should have on your landing page Video #9: Landing Page Secrets - The basics of a successful landing page - How success of other people can help you to get going - Why conversion is critical for your ads - Things you should avoid so you can avoid getting banned - How you avoid bad user experience and enhance buyers' overall experience Video #10: Tweaking Your Campaign - How to figure out what you can do to enhance the clicks on your ads - Why you should use multiple campaigns to figure out which one works best for you - The reports you can utilize to improve click-throughs - How you can tweak your ads visually to get more clicks - Why you should run multiple ads and just keep the ones that are performing well for you Video #11: The Facebook Ad Panel - Why it is important to set up a relevant ad and a relevant landing page - How you can gain high returns on your investment - Importance of choosing the right kind of audience - How you would be able to reduce the cost per click - Why it is critical for your ad to be relevant to your product Video #12: Custom Audiences Overview - Whom you should target to get cheap clicks - Who your custom audiences are - How you can use an email list in building custom audiences - Using fan pages for building custom audiences - Utilizing software to creating custom audiences Video #13: Getting Your Campaign Started - Custom audience and what you would need to get started - An example on how to create an audience - How you can customize your ad to reach a certain number of people - Using the Optimization & Pricing area for your ad - Where you would need to key in your bid Video #14: How to Find The Perfect Audience - Ways to find custom audiences - How to go into Facebook and create different streams of people to become your custom audience - Determining the people who would be interested in your offer - If you would be able to create your custom audience with a software - If you can utilize the groups that are already created on Facebook Video #15: What’s Inside The Names - What you should be doing with your custom audiences - Steps you should follow once you have found your audience - How you can manually set up your custom audience - Method to find the ID of a Facebook user - How to use the Facebook user ID to create an audience Video #16: Uploading Samples - Uploading the audience file created in the audience section - Why using Google Chrome is important - Where exactly you should be starting - Step by step instructions on how to actually create the audience by the upload method - Few other things that you can do inside custom audiences Video #17: Selecting Audiences - How you test a look alike audience - Taking an existing campaign to your custom audience - Testing and tweaking your campaign for your audience - The importance of creating custom audience for lower click rates - Why it is important to test your audience Video #18: Add Email Marketing To Your Ad Campaign - How you can link email marketing to your ad campaign - Why it is important to get that traffic since you have paid for it - The importance of having an auto-responder - Steps related to get started on email marketing - How you can make your sign up more appealing Video #19: Creating i-Frame For Affiliate Offers - How to use a third party application to create an IFrame - How you can use IFrame for affiliate offers - Step by step instructions on where you can put your affiliate link - How these affiliate links will help you divert the traffic - How to publish your offer in the form of a tab on your Facebook fan page Video #20: Creating Tab For Your Page - Creating a tab to your Facebook fan page - Reason behind using tabs on your fan page - How tabs help to reduce the cost - Why it is important to promote yourself and not get people distracted - Some of the third party applications you could use to achieve all of the above Video #21: How To Send People To Your Videos - How to display videos on a tab - How placing videos in a tab reduces cost - Step by step instructions to include a video in a tab - How you can use a YouTube channel name to include a video - What is called a "featured video" Buying traffic and turning a profit is nothing new - however getting clicks for as little as $0.02 per click is rare - good luck finding that on Google Ads! You don't need to be a PPC expert, a copywriting genius, or have loads of start-up cash. All you’ll need is the right mindset to implementing them fully—once you learn how to spend money on traffic this’re really 'buying' future sales. Make sure you grab from the link below and then you can watch over my shoulder as I show you want to do step-by-step! But you must hurry because this generous price will not be around forever! YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME Your Online Teacher.