FREE Report! 35 Simple Ways to Write Attractive Content (...for more traffic and sales) Writing great article content for blogs, social media, directories, guest posts, press releases, reports and so on can be difficult, which is why many marketers simply don’t bother to do it. However if you’re willing to take the time to put together a good title, pick good subjects, write great content, and even encourage conversations with your readers you'll be surprised by how much these small tweaks can improve your business. In today's special report we'll show you how to think and write like a marketer. This means that you must understand your audience, think like them, and then make a conscious effort to persuade them using very simple but powerful tactics. 7 Methods to Write Great Blog Headlines - Make a Big Promise - Arouse Curiosity - Use Trigger Words - Get Specific - Speak Directly to Your Target Market - Draw Inspiration from Successful Bloggers - Testing and Tracking 7 Methods to Get Great Ideas for Blog Posts - Ask Your Readers - Listen to Your Readers - Lurk on Forums - Read Newspapers and Magazines - Check Out Article Directories - Use Keyword Tools - Continue an Interesting Conversation 7 Methods to Get More Comments at Your Blog - Repost or Reference Comments - Hold Contests - Be Controversial - Create a Poll - Give Readers Less Time to Comment - Show the Carrot - Make a Typo 7 Methods to Make Money from Your Blog - Use Google AdSense - Sell Advertising Space - Seek Out Sponsorship Opportunities - Sell Your Own Products/Services - Promote Affiliate Products/Services - Post Paid Reviews - Offer Freemium Content 7 Methods to Improve Your Blog Design - Choose Your Theme Wisely - Customize Your Theme - Customize the Icons - Be Social - Keep Your Sidebar Tidy - Use a Blog Post Image - Take Advantage of Your Footer Download directly from the link below: To Your Success! YOUR NAME Your Online Teacher. P.S. If you're looking for a quick and cost-effective way to get traffic for a little as $0.02 a click then be sure to check out our latest course... YOUR LINK?l=1