5 Step Guide To Making Money From PLR Most people who buy PLR never actually get around to implementing it. Instead, it just sits on their hard drive collecting "digital dust." If that sounds familiar, don't worry - we're going to look at a simple five step process for taking a PLR package and getting it up and selling. 1. Customization One of the drawbacks to PLR is that everyone who buys it gets exactly the same content. If ten other people use the "stock" sales page and graphics, they're all going to look identical. Which usually means they wind up competing on price and it becomes a "race to the bottom." Instead, get some new graphics made for it, tweak the sales letter (especially the headline and subheadlines) and make it "look" like something different. This makes it much harder to compare directly to another offer, taking price out of the equation to some degree. 2. Set Up A Website The next stage is to get the sales page, download page and any other pages included with the package uploaded to your hosting account and ready to start taking sales. You could register a new domain for the site, but don't get hung up on it. It's better to sell it from an existing site and actually have it selling than to wait until you find the "perfect" domain. 3. Order Processing You'll need some sort of order processor to process your customers' payments and forward them on to the download page after they buy. There are lots of options: - Clickbank - 1ShoppingCart - Nanacast - Paypal - Paydotcom Don't overanalyze this step. If you have a shopping cart system in place already, by all means use it but if not you can just set up a simple Paypal payment button. Again, having something up and running and taking orders will be infinitely more profitable than waiting until you find the "right" solution. 4. Connect To Your Autoresponder You should always build a list of buyers for anything you sell, and PLR is no different. Set up an email list in Aweber or whatever service you prefer and put an opt-in box on the download page (or integrate it with your shopping cart if that's an option). If you use an opt-in box on the download page, offer a bonus of some sort for opting in to improve your conversion rates. 5. Send Traffic To The Sales Page Once the delivery system is set up, it's time to send some traffic to the sales page and start taking orders. There are lots of ways to do this: - Send a promo to your existing email list - Add it to your signature on market-related forums - Post it to Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites YOUR LINK