re: Grab 70+ Swipe Sales Letters Worth $21k+ (just copy, paste and profit...) re: Grab 70+ Swipe Sales Letters Worth $21k+ (resell rights available...) If you want to do well online then you need to be able to sell. Fact. Even if you spend years developing your own product and it's the best thing on the market, your prospects won't be persuaded to buy it unless you convince them. YOUR LINK That is the whole point of a sales letter. To convince your prospects to take action and buy your product when they're on your website. Unfortunately writing good sales letters is a skill that takes YEARS to master. In fact professional writers can charge anywhere from $300, $500, $1000, even $1500 for just ONE 2000 word sales letter. So where does that leave you? You can either do it yourself... You can pay someone to do it... Or you can have it done for you... Right now we've handing you a treasure box of pre-written done for you sales letters that cover several topics within the I.M. niche. You'll get access to over 70 sales letters that you can swipe, copy and profit from immediately. And to sweeten the deal you can even re-sell the entire package as is to other marketers for quick profit. Full details below... YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME