Getting Targeted Traffic to Your Sales Funnel The sales funnel concept DOES NOT work on the basis of pulling just anyone to visit your website. On the contrary, it is absolutely essential for the funnel concept to make any sense that the people you draw your website are targeted, pre-qualified visitors. For example, if you have a website based business that promotes weight loss products online, it is logical that the best prospect for your business is someone who is overweight that wants to change their life. Consequently, you would target your marketing and promotional efforts in such a way that they would be put in front of people who are overweight. By doing so, you ensure that the majority of people who come to your site already represents a hot prospect because they are looking for or interested in the products you have to offer. If however you bring someone who is trying to decide whether they want to buy an Xbox 360 or Wii, the chances of that individual buying your products are almost zero. Sure, it is perfectly possible that they might be overweight but they are still not going to buy. The fact is, they are not particularly interested in weight loss related products at this particular moment in time, so why would they? They are searching for specific information that is completely different to that which you provide and they are therefore going to close your site within milliseconds. Hence, all of your initial marketing efforts have to be focused on making sure that the people who you bring to your site (to the first, widest level of your funnel) are targeted visitors. You have to make sure that your marketing efforts are targeted. For example, your AdWords advertising materials must feature your primary keywords as must any articles that you publish on directory sites like EzineArticles as well as the descriptions that you attach to the videos that you publish at YouTube and so on. This element of prequalifying visitors to your site is an essential part of an efficient sales funnel. Or, to put it another way, without pulling targeted, pre-qualified visitors to your site, trying to construct an efficient, profitable sales system is a huge waste of time. If the ‘front end’ of your system is not attracting the right kind of visitors to your site, then the chances of converting any of those visitors into customers are very remote indeed! YOUR LINK