Grab 20 How To Videos to Edit Your Audios Like a Pro! Get 20 Videos to Create and Edit Audios... Have you ever had a video that looked great but sounded terrible? How about a podcast that would be even better with a professional sounding intro and exit soundtrack? Maybe you are looking to add a revenue stream by creating audio content but right now you cannot afford all that expensive software and freelance fees? Audacity is the one word that answers these questions and that is what I'm here to talk to you about today. I'm not talking about being rude or even having the willingness to take bold risks… That is also audacity but the Audacity I'm talking about is the free open-source software that has been around for over 20 years. YOUR LINK The problem with Audacity however is that with SO many features, learning how to use them can be difficult especially if you're using it with the intent of running a business and turning a profit. Audacity for Marketers covers the basics as well as the items many marketers need to know when it comes to using, editing, and improving audio tracks. These videos allow you to look over my shoulder as I show the different ways to record, edit, and improve your audio tracks which can then be used to submit to Podcast sites and even developed into videos and submitted to video sharing sites. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME