RE: Secret 'backward' article marketing method exposed! A few days ago I told you about my 'backward' article marketing technique called 'Content Magnet Fortune'. This is a complete game-changer when it comes to article marketing and if you're looking for a way to make money that involves you having to do something once and getting paid forever, then is one of those techniques! If you didn't get to see this, check out the link below... YOUR LINK?l Inside you'll be shown... * Where and how to download, unpack and upload your article directory software (free software) * How to install your new article directory from start to finish * How to add Google Adsense or affiliate banners to your article pages (for income) * How to change the Title Tag of Website for SEO Purposes * How to change Your Article Directory's Home Page for customizing * How to monetize the home page of your article directory * How to maintain and manage your new website * Discover how to automatically start receiving new articles * Uncover further monetization strategies! * and so much more! YOUR LINK?l To Your Success, YOUR NAME P.S. This will be the last email I send out regarding this. Once the timer finishes, the page will be taken down and the price will go up. If you're looking to achieve some form of passive income on top of everything you're already doing then please do take a little time to check this out. You can set this up once, forget about it and continue to earn money for life - because you're leveraging off the work of other marketers! Seriously powerful!