How To Generate Free Traffic Through Viral Marketing Get Traffic Without Working For It! Download Manual. As business owner, having anything positive about your business, product of service go viral is a dream come true. Wanting it to happen is one thing, but finding the catalyst so that people start sharing is another. YOUR LINK?l The key is to learn exactly how to go viral by creating the buzz that people find so interesting, enlightening or fascinating that they want to share it with those they know. Inside you'll discover... * The basics of viral marketing and rapidly spreading the word * Case studies of successful viral marketing campaigns * Some practical ways to create buzz and go viral * Utilizing email, discussion boards and blogs * Video presentations as a crucial tactic in viral marketing * Viral marketing strategy with tags and scripts * And much, much more! Just one highly effective viral marketing campaign can be more significant than years of regular advertising. YOUR LINK?l To Your Success, YOUR NAME.