RE: Got a product but no traffic? Then you need this 1 skill... re: Only 77 minutes to more traffic and sales... RE: How to get traffic and sales... the free way. There is one skill that every marketer should have that is more important than being able to create a product. What is it? Getting traffic. Why? Because if you can't get people to see your website, you won't make sales no matter how good the product is. It's as simple and that. Now there are two ways of getting traffic... the free way and the paid way. Whilst the paid method is good, it requires you to have an excellent sales funnel that covers the cost of your spending. Not everyone is in that position, so the next best (and safest) method is to do it the free way... through mass content creation and distribution. YOUR LINK?l Can you relate to any of this?... You spend ages putting your first offer together and you have zero to little traffic to your website... and now you suddenly realize how hard it's going to be to make money online without any visitors... You keep losing money with paid advertising even though it gets you traffic fast... but your products don't cover the cost of your spending and you simply don't have skills to get your conversions high enough to break even and therefore need a safer option to get traffic... You realize that you need to dish out content to market your business... but don't know how to put together a compelling short report or eBook that people actually want to download and read... let alone buy... and so feel like giving up and looking for the next shiny object... You want to show off your skills and expertise on video... but you don't know how to create PowerPoint presentations that grab your prospects attention long enough for them to check out your own site.... You want to upload and distribute your video content on multiple sites... but you don't know what are the best settings and fear that the videos will look bad or 'dodgy' and just make you look like an amateur... You want to create amazing looking book covers and product packages... but you don't want to spend a fortune on designers yet don't want it to look cheap and tacky when you do it yourself... You want to get more from your PLR videos and other PLR products... but don't know how to re-purpose them such as converting them into MP3 files, creating 'teaser chapters', format them into webinar training, re-package them into high-ticket home study courses, start a podcast and so on... and you know somewhere that you're missing something... You're aware that there is money to be made selling your existing products in physical format such as CDs and DVDs... but don't want to go through the challenges of figuring out which service to use and how to use their software.... You want to protect your content in a membership site... but don't want to get bogged down with all the technical mumbo jumbo... and just want things to work the way they should... The list goes on and on and I'm sure there's plenty more dilemas you've faced. However there is a solution that is 100% reliable. Mass content creation and distribution. YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME Your Online Teacher.