SUBJECT: *FREE* Traffic Strategies With Facebook (top secrets revealed...) SUBJECT: DON'T Get Your Facebook Account Banned! (market it the proper way...) Hi {!firstname_fix}, With over 1.3 billion Facebook users sharing over 1 million links every 20 minutes, any business ignoring the marketing potential of this social networking site is failing to take advantage of an unlimited resource for soliciting new customers and increasing profitability. Those wise business owners who jump into the action are the ones who will reap the benefits of doing so. Here's some interesting facts you need to know about... • More than 1.393 billion Monthly active users on Facebook. • Approximately 900 million people use Facebook on a daily basis. • 80% marketers are using Facebook. • Smartphone users check Facebook 14 times in a day. • Every minute, 1.8 million new "likes" are made on Facebook. • The amount of video from people and brands in Facebook's News feed increases 3.6 times year-over-year. • Brands posted 20,000 more videos on Facebook than they did on YouTube in December 2014. • Average time per Facebook visit is 21 minutes per day. • 59% percent of revenue comes from mobile Facebook. Imagine what these numbers could mean for you with you start applying them to your business! => YOUR LINK?l However, it is also crucial that they make a powerful and professional statement that awes and inspires. Just pasting up a dull Facebook page without the right knowledge and necessary effort will only damage the image of your product or service brand. With our guide 'Facebook Made Easy' we take you by the hand and walk you through everything step-by-step. Here's how we break it down for you in our training guide... Chapter I: The History of Facebook Chapter II: Why to use Facebook? Chapter III: What exactly is a Facebook Page? Chapter IV: 8 Steps to Facebook Marketing Success Step 1: Pick your Topic, Identify your target market Step 2: Create your Facebook Page Account, the right one Step 3: Create your Cover Image, not breaking the rules Step 4: Create your Profile Picture, avoiding confusion Step 5: Create the "About" section, engaging the visitor Step 6: Using Facebook Tabs, absolutely amazing Step 7: Posting, getting the most out of it Step 8: Getting Likes, quickly and safely Getting to grips with the horde of social media sites can be overwhelming, but it you follow our step-by-step plan you'll definitely get the results you need. => YOUR LINK?l To Your Success, YOUR NAME.