re: {!firstname_fix}, can I train you for the next year?... (12 months of hardcore training...) *SPOTS CLOSING FAST!* ULTIMATE Training To 6-Figures A Year! (details inside...) A few days ago I sent an email out regarding a new training course that'll really open up the gates for you. => YOUR LINK Faster Smarter Better Online is a 12 month training program designed to help you stand on your own two feet and build a solid business online - so you're not puzzled by all the noise, the hype, the gimmicks, the gadgets, the 'next in line guru', the 'free reports' and so on that's just flooding the internet right now. Instead what I'm suggesting is that you find a quiet place - take time out to think to yourself where you are, where you want to be in 12 months from now, and how you're going achieve what you're already partially set out to do. Now you may be thinking... "Is this for me?..." If you know where you want to be financially, but still a bit lost at to how you're supposed to get there, then this course is definitely for you. If you feel like you're hitting a ceiling with your earnings and can't seem to take it to the next stage, then this is for you. If you've made your first 'Notification on an Instant Payment' selling your own product through PayPal, but feel it was a one-off fluke, and not consistent, then you need this. If you're logging into your ClickBank account every day in the hope that a commission bar will appear - when there's nothing there, then this is for you. If you're filled with all this wonderful information about how to make money online, and even find yourself telling others about it, but are not applying it yourself because it sounds better as a conversation, then this is definitely for you! If you're thinking to yourself that it is possible to make it online, but you feel like you're somehow you're not entitled to this 'privilege', then slap yourself out of it - because this for you! If you haven't already checked out this course, then please take 10 minutes time out to see how this course can help you. There are already 100s of students who have come through this course and come out MUCH better than when they started. Just read their testimonials because these are people just like you {!firstname_fix} who are going through the same problems, the same frustrations, the same difficulties, but just needed a little guidance to get them on their way to building a 6-figure per year business. Sounds like a lot, but trust me, when you break things down into their little baby steps and know what to do, and have someone that's already done it to prove it to you - it all becomes so much easier! => YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME