Profit with FB Ads (and increase online sales in YEAR...) Leverage Facebook Ads to Get More Traffic & Sales Fast! (video inside...) Get Traffic On-Demand, Find New Customers, Fine-Tune Your Demographics, Build Automated FB Ad Campaigns and Track Your Conversions Like a Pro! Need quality traffic fast? Try this. (video inside...) 5 Very Good Reasons Why You Should Capitalize on Facebook Ads Right Now... If you're not using paid ads in your business then you are missing out on a lot of automated traffic and potential customers. But why is paid traffic so important and more specifically why you Facebook ads? YOUR LINK?l REASON #1 - You Can Build an Email List Quickly and Cost-Effectively Mailing lists deliver a lot of value. I’m not just talking about sales here. While lists are great for cashing in on whatever promo you are running, your list can also gather consumer intelligence which is crucial for sound business strategic decisions. A Facebook ad campaign helps you do the heavy lifting of the most important part of mailing list marketing which is recruitment. You can get the right ads in front of the right eyeballs so people can click through and end up on your mailing list squeeze page. REASON #2 - You Can Leverage Facebook's Retargeting Technology A certain percentage of people who end up at your website look to buy something. It' s as of they go to the shopping cart but for whatever reason they don't pull the trigger and actually buy something. With retargeting, when people go to certain pages on your site and they go back to Facebook or websites and Facebook's ad network what do think you they'll see?... That' s right. They'll see your ad! When they click on it, they go to the page they left or better yet a page that's closer to the conversion page on your website. REASON #3 - Facebook Ads Helps You Create a Solid Trusted Brand Why is a having a brand important? When you build a brand, you don’t have to constantly promote your business. Once your business is recognized as a brand, people will seek you out. Your reputation will precede you-and open many doors of opportunity for you. Why? Well, people don’t like to take risks. With everything else being equal, people would rather do business with a known and trusted entity than roll the dice on some shadowy, less known, possibly inferior source of products or services. Best of all, people would pay extra for this sense of certainty. REASON #4 - You'll be Able to Survey Your Prospects and Gather Marketing Intelligence Surveying your customers is an effective way of figuring out what your market needs. The more accurate your take is on the pulse of your clients, the more likely you will roll out a successful products or service. Traditional ways of getting consumer intelligence can be very expensive and time consuming. I am talking about phone surveys, paper surveys and focus groups. Now you can cut out the middle men, you can also make the whole process more effective and efficient. REASON #5 - You'll be Able to Test Offers Quickly and Make Smart Decisions I'm sure you've seen this many times before. You've come up with the product that you think is very hot and then all of a sudden, nobody buys. Well, it's one thing to think that a new product offering is the best thing since sliced bread. But it's another for it to translate into profit. The best way to do this is to run actual ads on Facebook to see whether your existing customer base are actually interested in the product or service offering that you are so excited about. That's how you really figure out whether your new offerings will add to your profitability. If it is, keep going and develop your funnel, or else cut your losses short and move on. These are just a few profitable ways you can use Facebook Ads to your advantage. If you're not using it in your business then you're missing out on a ton of traffic, prospects and potential sales, not to mention marketing intelligence to know what works and what doesn't. YOUR LINK?l To Your Success, YOUR NAME