re: Create Mastermind Groups, Inner-Circle Communities, Recurring Membership Income and more... RE: Make More Sales and Keep Them with Facebook Groups! re: Increase Conversions and Retention and Make More Sales with FB Groups! If you're thinking about starting a membership site and want your members to stick around for as long as possible... or perhaps you want to sell a high ticket offer and want to minimize refund rates, then you'll need to include some form of community in your offer. There are many marketing tactics you can apply, but one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways is to use Facebook as a platform to create a strong community of happy customers. YOUR LINK?l Inside this course you'll discover... Lesson 1 - Quick Overview Before we get started, I want to make sure that you are given a quick overview of what to expect from this video course and how the system works. You'll also want to get into the right mindset before jumping in head-first. Additionally, we’ll discuss the three most important priorities and how to utilize them effectively to grow your community. Lesson 2 - Can Your Niche Pass the Test? While there are thousands of different niches that can take advantage of a Facebook continuity program, you want to know for sure that yours passes the test. You don’t want to make the mistake of investing time into trying to sell your goods through Facebook only to find that you don’t get the results you were hoping for. Since this is one of the most common mistakes people make, this video will show you how to ensure that your niche will be profitable and worth your time. The test is quick and easy with practical application; it should take no longer than 10 minutes. Lesson 3 - Competition Research Once you have found a niche that passes the test, it's time to do a little research and figure out what your competitors are doing and—just as importantly—what they are not doing. I’ll show you how to read the patterns so that you know exactly what is happening out in the marketplace. You will also learn how to pinpoint areas that can build up your community. Lesson 4 - Product Funnel Creation We can now start focusing on building out your sales funnel. In order to do this, we will be using a specific strategy that I call the “backward funnel strategy”, which has proven time and time again to actually be more efficient. While it may not make sense right now, I guarantee that you’ll be able to surpass the frustrations of writers block and start moving into the product creation phase. Lesson 5 - Pricing and Niche Continuity Models One of the biggest questions people ask me is, “How should I price my continuity program?” To answer this, I’m going to is show you different types of continuity models so that you can replicate and follow them. Lesson 6 - Content Creation It's time to take all the research that you’ve done so far and start creating content. By the end of this video, you should have all you need to set up your Facebook continuity program. Lesson 7 - Setting It All Up: What You Need to Succeed Now that you have your content, you’re ready to set up your program so that you can start driving people to your Facebook group. In this video, I’ll show you step-by-step how to set up everything up from scratch. So in other words, I will show you how to get people to your thank you page and then to your Facebook group. You'll also learn how to protect your group from nonpaying thieves. Lesson 8 - Adding Content to Facebook Once you have your Facebook group set up, you’ll need to add content and organize it within the group. This video will cover how to do that, as well as how to lead your community and protect it against troublemakers. You'll learn how to increase engagement and make a community where people feel like they are invested, thus creating a higher retention rate. Lesson 9 - Outsourcing Fortunately, about 70% of the system is automated; still, that leaves 30% of it as manual labor. As your community grows, you will need to learn how to outsource it to reliable people. You want to make sure that you have your checks and balances in place to ensure that your refund rate—and confusion rate—is low. You always want to make sure that your customers are being taken care of, because in a community, the mood can easily change from excitement to a feeling of being taken advantage of. Thus, I’ll show you how best to source this process and find the right people for your team. Watch the video below for full details... YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME Your Online Teacher.