RE: How to Convert 98% Window Shoppers into Buyers with Retargeting! re: How to Convert 98% of Visitors that Leave Your Website! RE: How to Convert 98% Repeat Visitors with Retarget Marketing! Every day there are myriad of ads, marketing messages and other distractions that work hard to get our attention. It's no surprise then that a typical advert has to be seen several times before a visitor takes our message seriously. This is why retargeting is essential if you want to get your ads exposed. In this course you'll discover... Module 1 - Introduction and Recommended Retargeting Module 2 - Retargeting Frequency Module 3 - How to Increase Your Conversions Module 4 - Frontline Retargeting Strategy Module 5 - Deep Funnel Retargeting Module 6 - AdCreatives Module 7 - Account Overview and WordPress Integration Module 8 - Create Your Retargeting Segments Module 9 - Create Your General Campaign Properly Module 10 - Visual Map of Facebook Retargeting Module 11 - Visual Map of Real-Life Scenarios Module 12 - Facebook Pixel Module 13 - Adding Pixel to Your Website Module 14 - Pixel Variables and Settings Module 15 - Custom Facebook Audiences Module 16 - Creating Custom Facebook Audiences Module 17 - Facebook Retargeting Campaign Setup Watch the intro video below for more details... YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME Your Online Teacher.