ENDS SOON: How to Convert 98% of Visitors that Leave Your Website! REMINDER: How to Convert 98% Window Shoppers into Buyers with Retargeting! Statistics show that, in general, only 2% of prospects convert. The other 98% leave and may never come back to your site. This means that any money you’ve invested to get people to visit has been lost. That can quickly add up to a lot of wasted money! If we take a closer look at those statistics, the big question becomes why do online shoppers leave without paying or taking some sort of action? Although there may be hundreds of reasons why a potential customer may not make a purchase, these five are some of the most common... Reason #1 - They were presented with unexpected costs Reason #2 - They thought the price was too expensive Reason #3 - They found a better price elsewhere Reason #4 - They decided against buying Reason #5 - They were just browsing With such a high percentage of people leaving your site, each with their own reasoning, is there any way to get them back without reinvesting more money into new clients?... The answer is YES! This is what we call retargeting. If you want to grab the attention of potential prospects, learn to re-advertise to them to get the message across and encourage them to take action then this is for you. Watch the intro video below for details... YOUR LINK?l=1 To Your Success! YOUR NAME Your Online Teacher.