FREE Special Report! Download 7 Proven Primal Movements for REAL Strength Thank you for subscribing to our exclusive newsletter! In today's special report you'll discover... * Discover the 7 ‘primal’ movements you should be adding to your workouts to increase your overall strength and fitness. No need to expensive equipment and no need for to step foot into a gym! * Get practical examples of which workouts to use to engage each primal movement. Hint - you may already be doing them now without even knowing it! * Why you should NEVER aim to use 100% of your muscle strength for any lift... and how doing this can have an adverse affect on your gains. Tip - instead you should be aiming to increase your muscle fibre recruitment! * A powerful and usual technique used by Bruce Lee and Dennis Rogers (one of the strongest man pound for pound) that you can use to skyrocket your strength! * Why exercising with FUNCTIONALITY in mind will outlast any fitness program you've tried before and reap far better results! Download directly from the link below... YOUR LINK/signup/access.php To Your Success, YOUR NAME