Download the Complete Training Guide for Building REAL Functional Strength! Have you ever tried a popular fitness plan or diet to lose weight or get into better shape? How did it go? Did you achieve your goals?... Unfortunately, most people fail when it comes health and fitness fads that promise easy weight loss, fast muscle-building, and looking better in your clothes. The reason that most diets and fitness fads fail to “work” is because they focus on training for the wrong goal… They’re all about looking good… not getting healthy and stronger. Although looking better in the mirror can be a nice side-effect of training, it should never be your primary focus. That’s what Functional Strength is all about. It’s about building strength that you can use. With functional strength training, you’re not trying to look strong or look healthy… You are striving to BECOME truly strong and truly healthy… YOUR LINK?l Here’s a quick look at what's you'll discover inside... * Why functional strength will result in healthier, longer lasting results than any fad diets or fitness programs that focus on appearance. * The difference between training for strength and training for size, and which one you should be focusing on… * The 7 primal movements that are crucial to building functional strength are revealed… * Why compound movements and big lifts are crucial to functional strength and how to do them… * 7 Step-by-step compound movements covered in depth that you can start using to build functional strength today! * The right way to stretch to prevent energy and increase the effectiveness of your training… (most people do this ALL wrong) * The most important functional strength training tools and how to use them…. (Kettlebells, Indian Club Training, Barefoot Running, and TRX) * Why grip strength is the cornerstone to any functional strength training program and how to improve yours… regardless of how strong or weak you are right now… * Why going for a run or a jog is not the most effective way to get fit and gain strength… you’ll discover a step-by-step training method that is more effective at burning fat and more useful for general life… Check out the website below for full details... YOUR LINK?l To Your Success, YOUR NAME