Get 20 Videos to Create Websites with Google Sites 20 Step-by-Step Lessons to Use Google Sites (to create cool websites...) Are you tired of paying someone to build your websites... only to have that person forget to add that video or color scheme you asked for? Are you the "if you want it done right, you have to do it yourself" type of person... but the whole website building process is way too technical? Maybe YOU want to be the person people are paying for setting up THEIR website and you want to do it the best way possible?...If so, I understand. I've been there. Love them or hate them, Google has some powerful tools to help make your business better. YOUR LINK One of these power tools is a little application called 'Google SItes'. With it, you can create a professional mobile-responsive sites without the need for HTML software, web hosting or even a domain name. That is the good news. The not-so-good news is that Google once again makes its tools a bit complicated and hides many of the cool features of Google Sites. From my trial and error then success, you can now get your hands on a massive series of 20 step-by-step training videos. These Google Sites Training videos allow you to look over my shoulder as I build a multi-page, mobile responsive professional grade website using Google Sites. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME