DISCOUNT ENDS SOON! 10 Beautiful Minisite Templates (download now...) *LAST CHANCE* Download 10 Beautiful Minisite Templates (boost conversions instantly) If you haven't already picked up your beautiful minisite templates, then now's the time to do so before the next price increase. YOUR LINK?l=1 Here's a reminder you what you're getting with each template package: * A medium size box * A spiral bound report * A paperback book image * A CD graphic * A package graphic of all of the above * Header image * Footer image * Mid-section image * Component box * Testimonial box * Guarantee box * Tick boxes in 3 sizes * 4 call-to-action buttons * 8 animated banners in popular sizes You simply cannot afford to NOT have these templates! Here’s why... Lower Conversions – the lower your conversions are, the harder it is for you to make sales or to capture a lead. A switch with these graphics will instantly reduce the time, effort and money needed to convert your visitors! Useless Domain Names – If you’ve put up a website before and got into a routine of doing so, I’m sure you’ll have domain names lying around that need filling up with a website? You can finally make use of that wasted $10 and earn your hard earn money back with a new product up and running on your new site! Wasted PLR Material – how many times have you bought PLR products but done NOTHING with them? Maybe the content was good, but the sales page and presentation was lacking which stopped you from going any further. Now you can put that PLR to good use and match it up with one of our templates! Less Subscribers and Withered Sign-Ups – How much is it costing you to have your sign-up rates crippled due to a poor mini-site design? Imagine what would happen if your opt-in rate doubled tomorrow because of a simple graphic improvement! How much difference would it make to you? Wasted Auto-Responder Series – Those beautifully crafted emails that you spent hours writing up to promote your own products and affiliate recommendations are not showing their true potential and not earning you the money you expected. And let’s not forget that it’s costing monthly to have an auto-responder system! Just a change in your mini-site graphics would lead to more sign-ups and more people reading your emails and buying your offers! Wasted Market Research! – How much time have you wasted doing keyword research and optimizing your website for that one keyword or keyphrase – not to mention the so-called investment on the software to help do that for you?! You may already be getting the right kind of traffic but nothing converting because of your shoddy mini-site design. Less Sales! – With a lower conversion rate you can expect less sales and a direct impact to how much you’ll earn online. All it can take is a graphical make-over to ensure your success! I could go on and on about how graphics can affect your online presence and your long-term success but I think you get the point. Grab your copy from the link below and start selling more today! YOUR LINK?l=1 YOUR NAME YOUR LINK?l=1