re: Basic HTML coding for newbies and marketers! re: Newbie friendly! HTML training for marketers... RE: Grab 40 'How To' Videos to Build Your Website (HTML for marketers...) If you want to set up any type of webpage or landing page, you absolutely MUST know some basic HTML. The reality is that even if you are using visual HTML editors, blogs and funnel building software, you will still run into basic coding issues that often prevent you from moving forward. If you feel overwhelmed and frustrated by all the techie stuff and find yourself going round in circles then this is for you... YOUR LINK?l Here's a closer look at what's inside this course... * Lesson 1 - Overview of HTML for Marketers * Lesson 2 - WYSIWIG and Why Use HTML * Lesson 3 - Uses for HTML * Lesson 4 - HTML Editing Programs * Lesson 5 - Editing from FTP * Lesson 6 - Page Extension Names * Lesson 7 - Folder Management * Lesson 8 - Above the Page Body * Lesson 9 - Opening and Closing Tags * Lesson 10 - Headers and Titles * Lesson 11 - Text Manipulation * Lesson 12 - Colour Manipulation * Lesson 13 - Creating HTML Hyperlinks * Lesson 14 - Adding Images via HTML * Lesson 15 - Creating Lists with HTML * Lesson 16 - Breaks and Paragraphs * Lesson 17 - Text Alignment with HTML * Lesson 18 - Add HTML Comments * Lesson 19 - Create iFrames with HTML * Lesson 20 - Summary of What You've Learn So Far * Lesson 21 - Advance HTML Customization * Lesson 22 - Customize iFrame Dimensions * Lesson 23 - Inserting HTML Divider Tags * Lesson 24 - Inserting YouTube HTML to Page * Lesson 25 - Locating IDs in Affiliate Network Code * Lesson 26 - HTML in iTunes * Lesson 27 - HTML in PayPal * Lesson 28 - HTML in Warrior Plus * Lesson 29 - HTML in JVZoo * Lesson 30 - HTML in Autoresponders * Lesson 31 - HTML in Sales Pages Headers * Lesson 32 - HTML in Sales Pages Images * Lesson 33 - HTML in Sales Pages Videos * Lesson 34 - HTML in Sales Page Font * Lesson 35 - HTML in Sales Page Alignment * Lesson 36 - HTML in Sales Page Buttons * Lesson 37 - HTML in Microsoft Word * Lesson 38 - HTML in WordPress * Lesson 39 - HTML in Web Browser and Source Code * Lesson 40 - Summary of Everything You've Learned After watching these easy-to-follow lessons, you'll wonder why you never found these videos earlier and how much time, money and frustration it saved you! So, go ahead and grab these powerful lessons now. HTML couldn't be easier, with each lesson being a small fraction of the cost of paying a developer to make changes to your website for you. YOUR LINK?l To Your Success, YOUR NAME