RE: Why you're not making sales (and how to fix it...) Great copy can sell poor products, but poor copy will NEVER sell a great product. It's sad fact but it's true. You could have the best product or service on the market, the most powerful piece of software developed, the most ingenious app, but if you can't present and sell the product, it will not sell. Period. Sales letter writing, or the marketing term 'copywriting' is the only thing standing between your product and your customers. The better your copywriting, the more products you'll sell. This is why online marketers, small offline businesses, and entrepreneurs need great copywriting in their business. Unfortunately not everyone is willing to take the time to learn it... which leaves a massive opportunity for you. YOUR LINK?l Right now you can get your hands on an easy to follow program that will guide you through the process of writing excellent sales copy to persuade peoples minds... Are you going to really be controlling peoples minds?... No... but you are going to be able to position your products and your clients' products in such a way that it makes people want to take action. Not only will you increase your sales, but you'll also attract high paying clients who will gladly spend hundreds, if not thousands for you to work their sales letter. And we're going to show you how you can turn this into it's own business! YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME Your Online Teacher.