FREE Download: 20 Creative Ways to Recycle Your PLR (quick cheat sheet inside...) Do you have a stash of PLR articles on your hard drive kept deep within folders from years ago? Do you have tons of PLR eBooks with golden nuggets of information that you know you could be using but don't know how? Do you sometimes feel like there's no money to be made with PLR at all? If that's the case then it's most likely because you don't know how to use PLR content to it's full potential. The good news is, you can repurpose and reuse this content to quickly create additional content to generate traffic, new subscribers and sell more products without having to reinvent the wheel. In today's special report we'll cover 20 creative ways you can put all the raw PLR content to good use... 1. Create an email or sequence 2. Build a lead magnet 3. Design a slide-share video 4. Create a “talking head” training video for youtube 5. Post the content on social media 6. Create an infographic 7. Sell the licensing rights to select pieces 8. Turn the content into a series of podcasts 9. Use the content inside paid products 10. Create guest posts for other peoples’ blogs 11. Give the content to your affiliates 12. Compile the best posts to create a tripwire product 13. Use content as handouts during guest speaking gigs 14. Use the content to create faqs 15. Excerpt for use in joint ventures 16. Update and republish popular posts 17. Use the content to create a webinar 18. Create a bonus report out of your best content 19. Insert content into your sales letters 20. Create freemiums Once you know how to use PLR as part of your big marketing plan, you'll know exactly what to do with them to help your business grow. Download directly from the link below: To Your Success! YOUR NAME Your Online Teacher. P.S. If you like the idea of creating your own membership that runs itself and pays you month after month but don't want to get bogged down with all the technical hurdles, then check out our membership training course... YOUR LINK?l=1