Fresh Feedback on the Newbie Sales Machine! (real reviews inside...) FRESH Reviews of the Newbie Sales Machine! (see what others say...) Is Newbie Sales Machine A SCAM? (see what others say...) ...Newbie Sales Machine IS a scam? (see what others say) It's been a few days now since I released the Newbie Sales Machine and so far EVERYONE that has invested in the system is loving it... "Been online for over 16 years I have never ever seen anything similar..." Although I have been online for over 16 years, I have never ever seen anything similar to what Aaron Danker offers. I started getting my hands product after another consuming as much as I can digest. Am totally addicted to Aaron's products that speak directly to my mind and interest. Most of the products are a complete business in a box. You can use it personally for more education or you can give as an incentive to your list or better still you can sell those products to make some money online. Am totally impressed by his products and do encourage an person who wants to make some bucks online to try these products, after all they are priced very affordably. Many of the training videos provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to's products in great detail and not line other cookie cutter videos found online. Every week Aaron releases new and top of the line products that speaks to the mind of the internet marketer. Congratulations Aaron and keep up the good work. - Magdi Mikhail "I'm now able to make sales easier with my own products..." I've been hooked from the very first email I got from Aaron. Every product is top notch and the training he offers with each is the best I've ever seen. I purchased your Super Sales Machine with fast setup by Aaron's team, and was blown away at all the great products that I now have on my own site. I'm now able to make sales easier with my own products ready to go. Send traffic to my page and get paid 100% commissions. Before that I was going nuts trying to create a product to sell. Now all I have to do is worry about how creative I want to be in getting traffic to my pages. But that's easy now. I just added the site and can't wait to start promoting my new membership site. I would recommend this to any newbie looking to make their first sale. You won't be disappointed. Thanks Aaron. - William Vega "Good and professional work... I never regretted my decision..." Hello and Thank you for giving me such a wonderful site. I appreciate a lot of your good and professional work. I am not new to I.M. I have been around for almost a year but was unable to create a website like this and get it live. I have all kinds of scripts, OTO templates, niche website template and every thing we can think of. They were all very complicated to install, and my situation was like pulling my hairs. I spent almost $500 but got no luck, until i found this system. It was like any other offer to me but after much thought I decided to give it try, and I was right on target. I never regretted my decision. I would highly recommend this system to all be them new or experience to get this system installed you just need to promote your site and earn money. This system will save you lot of blue's and hard work as well. Thanks again! - Tanveer Syed "I quickly learned these guys are the absolute best in the business..." As a newbie I quickly learned these guys are the absolute best in the business with high quality training and products. When I see Aaron's name or Super Sales Machine I don't put it on my list I immediately hit the buy button knowing I'm getting a high quality product I can promote or training I can grow with. I can honestly say I've never been disappointed or felt like I bought a shiny object. I only wonder how do these guys do it with hit after hit. Starting out you don't want junk training and with Aaron you never get it. Also when you are beginning and haven't developed your own products yet, you want something of value to sell that will enhance your reputation. I guarantee you'll not only get value every time but the pipeline is incredible and it seems like something new is coming every week. You'll get reasonably priced time-saving tools, plenty of free training, and creative examples of how to put your unique look on PLR products. Finding this site has been a lifesaver. You'll never get a product that just sits on your hard drive but you can immediately put it to work with just a little customization. The big bonanza is if you're technically challenged they'll do the work for you and get it up and running. Does it get any better than that? If you get their products and follow their plan you'll make money online or you have no one to blame but yourself. - Dennis Wright "His teachings is fantastic... my business has been taken to the next level..." Since I’ve been using Aaron Danker’s products, it's so easy to setup my website and landing page. His teachings is fantastic, honestly to say my business has been taken to the next level. By using Aaron’s landing pages or squeeze pages my lists are growing faster then ever before. I started to use Aaron’s products two years ago as a newbie, knowing nothing about online business, and requests that they do it for me the whole funnel system at the same time I’m also learning from them what they are doing. I’ve purchased a lot products from Aaron and now it’s easy for me to duplicate the system and add in new products. Aaron giving a great contents and graphics that you don’t even need to think about it. All details are so easily to follow, step-by-step instructions to make my products stand out from the crowed personally this is important when you need to presenting your products and services to your consumers. Aaron has been helping many people in the world to start a business online, and his price is reasonable and affortable. He is over delivering for people who want to do business online. Aaron I would like thank you for giving me this great opportunity to do my business online. - Dickie Lim "Nothing I found yet is as close to the Super Sales Machine..." I am a newbie and have been looking everywhere for help on understanding this crazy internet world. I have PLR up to my eyeballs and lost. That was until I found this library. I have looked all over web for help for newbies. Nothing I found yet is as close to the Super Sales Machine. If you can't find it here, Its not worth doing! - Adam D. "All the training's in the system are top notch... Your sales funnel is awesome!..." Hi Aaron, I just wanted to express how I am very happy with the service you have provided at the Super Sales Machine, everything seems professionally done. I did not expect such a comprehensive system that covers such a wide range of topics, that are easy to understand and follow. Anyone can learn something from them, I've picked up some tips on the tech side of things which is definitely not my strong suit and these new skills can be implement so quickly, especially for newbies as much as I hate that word I think we all need to come up with a better word for the beginners in internet marketing business. I can't wait to use the content to grow my list some more as I am most certain that it will do. But anyhow I am extremely happy with the content and have been with everything I have brought from you so far. I am also grateful for the auto-responder emails that will make my job even easier so, I hope, I do not miss any offers of any of your products that you will give in the future. Also I am grateful for all the graphics that come with the system again to make life easier and we are all for that. All the training's in the system are top notch and will help anyone who will watch them to get ahead in the business. Your sales funnel is awesome. Thank you very much for your service. I really appreciate it. - Sue Gillespie Here's the thing... You can continue looking for the next shiny object, jump around from one opportunity to another, or you can invest in yourself through ONE system. Will the Newbie Sales Machine do everything for you and make you a fortune?... No. Why? Because it requires work on your part. The engine has been built, but you are the fuel that turns it's gears. If you're one of the few sitting the fence and haven't already secured your copy of the Newbie Sales Machine... now's the time do so because you can take advantage of our early bird launch price. This ensures you get EVERY future upgrade for free and there are plenty more improvements being added to the system as you read this. YOUR LINK?l=1 To Your Success, YOUR NAME P.S. Got a question? 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