RE: Thank You to all that bought the Newbie Sales Machine! re: BIG Thanks to all resellers! Firstly a big thank you to all those that grabbed the Newbie Sales Machine. There are nearly 100 people participating in this program, who know the real value of this system and can see it's potential. These people include... Michael L. Brian T. Gaurav M. Nancy E. Nicholas T. Donald S. Terence M. Charles V. Dennis M. Bob M. michael M. Mike R. William F. Sue G. Khoon H. Peter C. Donna P. Gary S. Randall D. Herb R. Peter S. Arnie W. Tamarila S. Anthony M. Chris M. Peter C. Roger C. Eric M. Noufou G. Fran C. Fnu G. Mark H. Doug S. Gary H. Tom F. Mark M. Robert T. Doug W. Media K. Greg R. Sherry H. Joey J. Remi B. Jon E. Peter S. Stephen P. Samson W. Raul M. TG T. Lincoln J. Maurice J. Garry T. Kelvin Michael W. Rick H. Mary M. Rafael F. Andrew R. Martin L. Suzanne H. Dustin C. Paul F. Livy B. Jerry N. Kevin M. Anthony M. Gabriel D. Olu T. Ezequiel V. Marian K. Jack M. Alton G. Archie P. David O. John L. Mark W. Paul M. Mark T. David A. Terence M. Hon V. Roella W. Seth J. Lori C. Chris C. Paul L. Earl J. James B. Calvin B. Radmila H. Troy M. Remember our system will provide you with your login details when you've gone through checkout. Use this to access the members area and then follow the steps laid out on the page to enable auto-return in your PayPal account and to get approval on all products in our network. For those that opted for the setup service Jeffrey will installing your site within the next 24-72 hours and this includes a 50 email campaign! Also congratulations to all resellers who have sold their first membership pass and made their first back-end sale! And if you're one of the few sitting the fence and haven't already secured your copy of the Newbie Sales Machine now's the time do so for 2 reasons. 1. The quicker you get your customer through the door, the more backend income you will make. In a few days time I will be promoting an offer to your customers and you will get credited for the sale immediately. This means you continue to make money without doing ANYTHING else! 2. The entry price will not get any cheaper. I thought long about how I should have sold this deal. It's much more than a ready-made business. You're getting full integration with my sales funnel and network which means you make money off my efforts. There are other options out there that charge $1997 and more for similar systems. By comparison you're getting a steal. Be sure to grab your copy below and become part of the program that will build your income for you! YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME