RE: Get Licensing Rights To Products To Sell As Your Own! (keep 100% of the profit...) RE: GRAB High Quality Products Created For You To Sell! re: Training Products Created For You Every Month! (keep 100% of the profit...) {!firstname_fix}, A couple of days ago I told you Platinum Resell Rights membership. This is a complete turn-key solution for those who want to sell their own product but don't want to go through the cost and expense of making it themselves. If you missed it you can check it out here: YOUR LINK?l I also received some questions regarding this site and because I do with with resell rights products all the time I'm more than happy to answer them for you here... Q. "What if there's other people like me trying to sell the same product?... Won't that make it difficult to sell?..." Let me tell you from personal experience that this is NOT the case. I've bought 100s of products with resell rights in the past that many seasoned marketers bought too - which didn't affect my sales, my refund rates, and still allows me to make money with them even years later! There's 3 main reasons for this... 1. I built my own mailing list. That's right, you've heard it time and time again. The money is in the list. I have several squeeze pages set up on different domains that collect new interested subscribers every day. So when I acquire a new product I can sell it to my list with end user rights or resell rights or even PLR if the license permits me to. What are the chances of other marketers selling to people on my list?... Slim - especially if I'm sourcing my traffic from many different places which leads me on to my next point... 2. I generate traffic from many sources. I promote my squeeze pages from many different traffic sources like articles, ezine ads, the search engines, forums, blog posts and even from affiliate referrals. Traffic continues to flow through these type of sites every day. My question is, how can another reseller being in all the same places at the same time building the same list subscribers as you? 3. The product sells. In the purest sense, if a product is in demand and has a well written sales page and decent looking graphics, packed with good solid content then you're already on to a winner. Your job as a marketer is to get in front of the people that need the information (your subscribers) and start promoting the product to them. So if you think that competition is a 'problem' think again. Competition will always exist in almost every money-making method you try online. The real question it whether you're up to the challenge of making it work for you! Q. "What makes these Platinum products better than the ones on other sites?... I can't really tell the difference?..." The difference is all in the details and the details count towards the money that goes into your bank account. Most products that come with some form or rights come with a pre-written sales letter and some half-attempted graphic design. This is a problem because it means you've got to put a fair amount of work into it to make it look good! That's time you could have spent promoting your site and make money! When you compare your average reseller products with Platinum products, you'll notice how everything is created in great detail so you can have it setup and uploaded in literally minutes. If you're still interested in owning your own products without having to go through the hassles of making them yourself, then it's really worth considering joining Platinum Resell Rights. But you'll have to hurry because we're running this at a discount rate which will be removed soon as new content is added. Here's the link again: YOUR LINK?l To Your Success, YOUR NAME