40 How To Videos to Earn Passive Income on Amazon Prime Video Simple Trick to Earn Royalties with Amazon Prime Video... Here's How If you do any kind of selling online you know how much effort is required to make a sale. Maybe you've considered creating a product of your own that's one-hundred percent yours that you can claim copyrights to. Maybe you're in the middle of developing your own product right now or maybe you already have a product of your own and have promoted it a few times but feel like it's passed it's 'shelf life'. Either way, the bottom line is you want to get more people to buy your product. There are two ways to do this... You can either 1) Keep promoting your site... or 2) Take your product with you and sell it on several sites. YOUR LINK Most marketers will keep promoting their site, get more traffic, build their list, and convert their subscribers into buyers - which is fine. If your funnel converts, keep doing it... It works. But what if your web design is not quite up to scratch?... What if your sales funnel doesn't convert as well as it should?... What if you simply don't have the desire to keep hustling for traffic or the funds to keep it going?... If you've experienced any of these issues, then it may be wise to take your product and sell it where the traffic already exists and the buyers are waiting for you! YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME