RE: 40 How To Videos to Earn Passive Income on Amazon Prime Video re: Simple Trick to Earn Royalties with Amazon Prime Video... Here's How There are two ways to make more sales of your product... You can either keep promoting your existing site and get more traffic. Or you can sell your product on other platforms and let the customers come to you. YOUR LINK But here's where selling on other sites gets more interesting... 1. You don't have to create as many digital products so often because if you do it right, you can sell the same products on different sites and meet your monthly targets, even surpass them. 2. You're selling on sites that are buyer-focused. This means people that are on these sites have every intention to BUY something. Most of the convincing and pre-selling is done for you. 3. You're selling to people who want to learn and improve themselves. They know what they want. They won't question you and they're much less likely to refund. This is the ideal customer mindset you need to build a hassle-free online business. 4. You attract more customers and can build a big customer base. Customers are easier than selling to freebie seekers. You can always message your customers and entice them with a bonus after the sale and bring them into your business. 5. You can increase your backend sales. And because they've already done business with you, it will be much easier to sell high-ticket items to them such as a coaching program, a service, one-on-one consultations and more. Now you may be thinking... "I've never sold my products on Amazon"... "I wouldn't know where to start"... "I wouldn't know what to do"... "I might get it all wrong and mess up"... Well worry not, because right now you can get your hands on 40 step-by-step video tutorials that hold you by the hand and guide you through the entire process every step of the way. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME