SUBJECT: Answer Marketing Lesson #3 - How Yahoo Answers Points System Works {!firstname_fix} In the previous email, we touched up lightly on how the Yahoo Answers system works and how to start promoting. Now it's time to understand the how the points system works. As a member of Yahoo Answers you will earn points for each question that you answer. You will also discover that there are limits on the number of questions that you can answer each day until you build up your levels. For the first week you will be focusing on building up your levels so that you can answer more questions by increasing your daily limit. Those who reach Level 4 can answer an unlimited number of questions every day. When you start out you begin at Level 1. You are able to answer 20 questions every day at this level. In the first day it is possible for you to earn 140+ points by answering 20 questions and you will earn more for every answer that is selected as the ‘top choice’. You will be able to view your Points and Level on the main page of Yahoo Answers on the right hand side under your Yahoo name. When you begin answering questions you should focus on targeting your main niche until your levels increase and you are able to answer as many questions as you like. That way, you can start driving traffic to your site right away, despite being limited to only 20 questions a day. In the next email I'll show you how to dig into a specific niche so that your efforts really start paying off! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK