SUBJECT: Answer Marketing Lesson #4 - Picking Your Answer Niche {!firstname_fix} In our previous lesson we talked about the points system and how you need to attain at least 20 so you can start answering more questions. More questions answers equals more links. More links means more traffic. And more traffic, equals more sales. So let's move on to the next lesson about how to pick a specific niche! To find niche-specific questions that are still open for answering, click on the “Advanced Search” link to get started. You will find this at the top of the Yahoo Answers website once you are logged in. Once you have loaded up the Advanced Search page you will be able to enter in keywords that are relevant to your niche market. You can also minimize any time wasted by being certain to only search for questions that are still open for answering. Enter in you’re a specific keyword that best describes your niche and set the “Keyword Match” to “Questions” as you are searching for questions to answer right away. Next, choose “ALL” when selecting your categories as sometimes questions may appear throughout different groups. Be sure to filter out the questions so that you are searching only for questions in your primary language unless you are able to understand and respond in alternative languages. And finally be sure to set the status of your search so that it generates a list of “Open Questions” only. There is no sense in searching for questions that have been resolved (or are closed) from receiving additional responses. Once you have completed this step you will generate a search results page that includes multiple un-answered questions found using your keyword(s). In my example search, I requested the search engine to find open questions relating to “Wordpress”. By targeting the keyword “Wordpress”, 52 un-answered questions are available to me. To begin answering questions, simply click on the links to load up the “Question and Answer” page. By answering questions that target my niche market and including a website that provides additional information about the question that I am answering I can easily generate traffic to my site in a few minutes, the time it takes for me to successfully answer the question. Even if my answer does not end up being chosen as the “top” answer, I can still generate traffic just by using the “Source” box. By answering recent questions rather than digging through older ones you are ensuring that your website receives traffic not only from the Yahoo Answer center (and those who view your answer from within that section) but also from the Yahoo and Google search engine as well! Now that's power! In our last and final email I'll provide you with 10 solid tips on how to dominate Yahoo Answers. You'll be able to take this with you and apply it time and time again for solid results! To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK