SUBJECT: Answer Marketing Lesson #5 - 10 Steps To Answering Success {!firstname_fix} As promised in my previous email, I'm going to provide you with 10 rock soid tips on how to dominate Yahoo Answers and out-do your competitors! You may want to save this email for later reference! Tip #1: Focus on answering recent questions, posted within the first three hours. Tip #2: Always post a relevant website link in the Source box using a URL that sounds similar to the topic. (example: If I was answering a question regarding weight loss, I would create a landing page specific to that niche and include it in the source box: Tip #3: Answer questions as thoroughly as you can. The more specific you are with your answers, the better chance you have of being selected as the top choice. Tip #4: After your limits are raised and you are able to answer more questions each day, start answering questions regardless of when they were posted (older ones are fine at this point). Every answer you submit will be included in Yahoo’s search engine results page regardless of how old the original question was. Tip #5: Be sure to include your keyword (that you are optimizing for) in your answer as best as you can. You can also add your URL (using a href tag) but if you do this incorrectly and your answer reeks of spam, you will not be chosen as the top answer and in some cases your answer may be removed completely. Tip #6: It isn’t just Yahoo’s search engine that will pick up your answers (and links). Google may also spider your answers and give you credit for a back-link to be sure to answer as many questions as you can each day, until you reach your limit. Tip #7: Stick with it. Building an impressive portfolio and developing your back-links takes time but if you create a strategy where you are answering questions on a daily basis, incorporating your keywords into your answers and linking to your websites within the source boxes you will see results relatively quickly. The more effort you put into answering questions thoroughly and being chosen as the top answer the more traffic your website will receive. Always keep this mind when you are answering questions. While quantity is important, so is quality! Tip #8: Since you are answering questions across a variety of categories and niche markets, be sure that you know enough about the subject to provide a helpful response. If you answer a question incorrectly, your credibility will wear down. It is important that you focus on answering questions relating to topics that you are familiar with. If you are unsure about a question take a few minutes to research the correct answer before posting. It is not possible to edit your answers once they are published! There have been times where I was unsure of the correct answer to a question but I was slowly getting involved in the niche and wanted to direct people to a landing page where I was showcasing a product via an affiliate link. I took a few minutes to search out the answer and posted it, only after I was certain it was correct. It resulted in my answer being selected as the “Best Answer” and a nice comment from the original poster. And one word of caution; Once you begin to receive positive ratings and feedback you’ll find Yahoo Answers quite addictive! ;) Tip #9: Don’t underestimate the power of custom landing pages. Instead of directing people to the main page of your website, creating specific pages where you can lead people to find out more information, while sticking to the topic or subject that you are answering. This way you will avoid confusing your visitors who are simply looking for additional information about specific topics. Tip#10: Points & More Points: You will receive points for answering questions (2 points per answer), 10 points for being selected as the best answer and an additional point for every answer you vote on. When you are building your levels it is important to collect as many points as you can so by voting on answers submitted by other people you are able to generate more points quickly, however you must be a LEVEL 2 to be able to vote on answers, so do your best to get to that level as soon as possible. As you begin to earn points and answer more questions, you will become a top contributor and a badge will appear near your avatar picture. Once you are a top contributor you will be selected more often as the “best answer” and more people will view your answers, profile and your websites. And that {!firstname_fix} complete's our 5-day course on Answer Marketing Traffic. If you'd like to learn more and watch over my shoulder whilst I perform all these tasks then follow the link below for a full video series... To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK P.S. This will be the last email you'll receive from me about Answer Marketing Traffic. Be sure to grab your copy today before the price increases or this valuable course is taken down to reduce competition!