SUBJECT: Audio Riches Lesson #6 - PDF To MP3 Conversion {!firstname_fix} If you're anything like me, you want to get more done in less time whilst earning more. :) It's not easy to do this all the time, but it is possible when it comes to delivering content in various formats! For example.. Let's say I created a 'how to' video or bought private label rights to it. Right off the bat, I could just sell the product as a stand-alone video product. It would appeal to a lot of visual learners but what about those who prefer to read? Well, I could get the video transcribed by either doing it myself or hiring someone else to do it for me. What about those that are so busy in their daily lives that they can only listen to your product when they go jogging, driving to work, or are at the gym? Well then you'd have to create an audio version of your product. If your product originated from a video, an MP3 version would be a straight forward process. So what about eBook to audio?.. Can it be done swiftly?.. You bet! In fact it's so straight forward that you may want to consider turning all your current eBook products into MP3 audio to add an additional source of income for yourself! Not only will you make more, you'll adhere to a certain group of buyers, increase your overall conversions and build a stronger business! Follow the link below for a full video series on how to turn your lifeless eBooks into vibrant audio products!.. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME