SUBJECT: Tendious Blogging Made Automated! (Here's how...) SUBJECT: Automate Your Blog Posts So You Can Build More Faster! Hi {!firstname_fix}, One of the best ways to make money online is to have a vast network of sites that are earning for you every day. The trouble is, how do you manage to update them all, promote them all and keep them earning? This is the dilemma that many marketers face and in some cases it can be enough to even put them off from starting making money from their websites. They create one or two sites, realise the potential work and then give up, not understanding that they can create sites that run on autopilot. What if there was a way that you could create this vast network of sites and they could run without you constantly updating them and working on them. Autoblogging has been a closely guarded secret for a long time. Creating vast networks of auto generated sites has long been the domain of black hatters or big marketers with almost bottomless resources. It is a subject that is rarely spoken of, particularly since the great Google Slap a number of years ago which destroyed interest in auto generated sites. What if there was a way you could create these auto generated sites and avoid any potential Google slaps in the future? Would that make you interested in creating a network of automatically updating websites that earn for you every day. => YOUR LINK?l This step by step guide will teach you everything you need to know about autoblogging including: • What autoblogs are and how they can benefit you • The pitfalls to avoid when creating autoblogs • Ensuring your sites have longevity in the search engines and avoid any penalties or delisting • Installing and configuring Wordpress • Setting up a basic array of plugins for profitability and search engine compatibility • Other plugins that will help you to create massively profitable autoblogs • And much much more Autoblogs aren't that difficult to create once you know what you are doing with them. When you understand how to set them up so you avoid any potential penalties and know what the search engines are looking for you can rapidly create a massive network of highly profitable websites. YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME