SUBJECT: Autoblogging Lesson #1 - Familiar With The Term? {!firstname_fix} Autoblogging is a very popular subject with many marketers interested in it, but few actually creating autoblogs. The principle is that you rapidly create niche websites that are self populating and run without any input from yourself. Combine them with automatic traffic generation methods and you have a real winner on your hands. The aim of the game is to get these sites set up and running quickly. You are not aiming to spend hours beautifully crafting each site. You are basically throwing websites against the wall and seeing what sticks. With the right tools, it is very easy to do this. Wordpress is the platform of choice for autoblogs due to the availability of plugins and ease of use / configuration. You will need some additional plugins in order to really make your autoblogs work and these will cost you money. The authors of these plugins know they are on to a good thing and so charge you for it, knowing that you need their services. You are aiming to create these sites and then set them up to run without any input from you at all. The idea is for you to not have to visit the sites again and for them to add content automatically without your input. This allows you to create a massive network of sites without the worry about how to update and maintain your websites. Autoblogs are a very powerful method of earning online and one that you can benefit from. This program has been designed to walk you, step by step, through creating your own autoblogs. All you need to get started is a computer, an Internet connection, a hosting account and a few dollars for some domain names. With that you are ready to go. If you have some additional capital for purchasing plugins then you will be able to significantly increase the profitability and easy of creation of your autoblogs, but it isn’t necessary to get started. A network of autoblogs set up properly will start earning for you rapidly and the more you create, the more you can earn. Let’s move on now through this program and show you exactly how to create an autoblog. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK