SUBJECT: Autoblogging Lesson #4 - Creating An Autoblog {!firstname_fix} So now you know the theory of autoblogs, it’s time for the practise. You will see the exact instructions in the accompanying videos, but the basic approach is to : 1. Find some keywords to target 2. Register domains based on those keywords 3. Set up Wordpress 4. Install Autoblogging plugins 5. Drive traffic 6. Move on to the next site The basic installation of Wordpress out of the box from Fantastico is just fine for an autoblog. You will want to change a few settings to make your blogs better suited for the search engines. Firstly you need to go to Settings and Permalinks and change the Permalink structure to custom and %postname% as shown below: You will need to remove the default post and to create the categories you want for posts. These will depend upon your keywords. You will also need to change the Link categories and, again, make those relevant to your website. You need to edit the About page and make that relevant to your site and then you are ready to start installing plugins. For an autoblog you will need the following plugins: • Google XML Sitemap • All In One SEO or Platinum SEO • All In One Adsense And YPN • WP Backup These are enough to set your site up so that it is ready to go. There are some other plugins you can use which will automate your site even further. These are paid plugins but will do a good job. You don’t need all of them, just one of them is enough to get yourself creating high quality autoblogs. • WP-Robot : The preferred plugin with a lot of flexibility will allow you to create a good looking blog from multiple sources and monetize it in a number of ways • ReviewAzon : Takes Amazon reviews and uses them as content for your site. Another good way to build a fully monetized site on autopilot • Caffeinated Content : Pulls content from multiple sources to build a site. All of these allow you to drip feed content over time. Which ones you choose to use is up to you and there are many others out there. The most basic form of autoblogging is for you to create content and add it as a post and use the scheduling feature that comes with Wordpress. This is located on the right hand side of the post screen under the Publish section. Where it says public immediately, click the edit option next to it to post date your content. You can add plugins such as Twiogle WP Twitter Commenter to your blog as this will help with integration with Twitter, which is a good source of traffic, particularly if you have created a good list of followers. A plugin such as the Kontera Wordpress plugin will allow you to seamlessly integrate Kontera ads with your blog. This can be useful if you do not have an Adsense account or can’t get one. It also proves useful because it’s another form of monetization for your website. If you really want to take your autoblog to the next level then a plugin such as the SEO Smart Links plugin is worth its weight in gold. Basically, this plugin does two things for you, both of which are extremely useful. Firstly, it will automatically link keywords and phrases in your posts and comments with corresponding posts, pages, categories and tags on your blog. This is very powerful from an SEO perspective because search engines love to see interlinking within websites. It demonstrates the site takes its content seriously enough to link with it as well as ensuring the search engine spiders find every page of your site. Secondly, it allows you to set up your own keywords and set of matching URLs to link to. This means you can set up your blog to automatically take certain keywords and either link to your other websites in that niche or to link through to affiliate products. Combine this with something like the Pretty Link plugin to cloak affiliate links and you could be on to a real winner. Then once this is done you are ready to drive traffic to the site. You can use traditional SEO techniques for this or perhaps some of these will work well for you: • Submit the RSS Feed of your autoblog to the RSS Directories • Social bookmark pages from within your autoblog • Submit your autoblog to website directories • Submit press releases to press release sites / directories • Create videos to promote your autoblog and submit them to the video directories • Article marketing • Forum marketing • Yahoo! Answers All of these are good ways to get your website up and running in the search engine indexes. If you’ve done some good keyword research and have a good domain name then it shouldn’t be too hard for you to rank and start getting traffic. The aim of the game is to get these sites done quickly and to roll them out as fast as you can. You need to look at automating this process as much as possible of even outsourcing it to speed things up. You want to repeat this process as many times as you can to create multiple autoblogs that earn for you on autopilot. The more you repeat this process, the more money you can potentially earn. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK