SUBJECT: Autoblogging Lesson #5 - Niche And Keywords {!firstname_fix} When it comes to succeeding with autoblogs you need to follow your nose. Whilst I can teach you the theory here, you do need to be adaptable and follow your instincts to a degree. After a while you’ll get a sixth sense as to what makes a good niche or good keyword and be able to set up your autoblogs in minutes instead of hours as you find ways to speed up the process and automate it more. In order to succeed with autoblogs you need to target your keywords very precisely. You need to pick long tail keywords with low competition and high search volumes so that you can rank well without having to fight too hard for it. Because these sites are designed to be rapidly created and promoted you don’t want to be targeting keywords which require a lot of work to rank for. Whilst you don’t want keywords that have an insignificant amount of traffic, you don’t want keywords with massive amounts of traffic because the competition levels will be too high and your site is unlikely to be seen without a lot of additional work. Autoblogs are a numbers game at the end of the day, with the more sites in your portfolio, the more you can earn. Because it’s a numbers game you don’t want to spend days promoting a single site because it makes the whole concept of it being an autoblog pointless. You want your sites to be quick to set up and rank with minimal work from yourself. You do need to find a good balance between scraped content from plugins such as WP-Robot and unique written content. This will vary from niche to niche, and should vary because it reduces the chance of leaving any footprint. By having some unique content on your autoblog you are making it look much more like a “real” site and less like an autoblog. It also means that you have a possible degree of insulation against any future Google slaps, but that can’t be guaranteed. Whilst you can earn good money from autoblogs, you shouldn’t have all your eggs in one basket. Balance your autoblogs with genuine blogs and other information sites. Again, this is to protect you from the effects of any potential Google slaps and to ensure the stability of your income. If, whilst creating your autoblogs, you focus on adding value with your sites and providing valuable information to your readers then you will again step away from being classified as a spam site. Whilst this takes you away a little from the rapid creation philosophy of an autoblog, it can prove beneficial in the long run for you to focus on the needs of your reader. Remember that you can always rapidly create hundreds of autoblogs and see which ones turn a profit and then spend more time building those sites into authority sites if you want to. In fact, that is an excellent method for generating even more income and creating a network of profitable information sites to add to your autoblog network. You may also want to create additional sites in a niche you find profitable. Whether you do this manually or you create autoblogs is up to you and will depend upon the niche. Just following some of these tips will help to ensure the longevity of your autoblogs and your income from them. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK