SUBJECT: Autoblogging Lesson #6 - Last Minute Tips {!firstname_fix} Autoblogs are an excellent way for you to rapidly create a network of highly profitable sites. You can use this network to earn from or use it to build links through to your actual money sites. They are a great way to test various niches to see which are profitable and then you can move in to the profitable niches in force and let go of the non profitable niches. You don’t need to have any special skills, knowledge or abilities in order to create autoblogs. Anyone can do them. By setting out a simple strategy, such as that discussed in this program, and following it, you can create a network of autoblogs rapidly. Remember that you are aiming to turnaround creating sites quickly, so don’t spend ages picking a theme or adding content, or driving traffic of whatever. These are meant to be “set and forget” websites which you create, point at the top of the search engines and then leave to it. You may find one or some of your autoblogs get blacklisted or delisted. If this happens then it is easier to say “next” and move on. If the domain or site was particularly valuable and profitable then it may be worth negotiating with the search engines for your return, but that isn’t an easy process. With a network of autoblogs you can create as much income as you want. It’s a numbers game, pure and simple. The more sites you create, the more you earn. With the information you have now you will be able to create your own network of autoblogs, point them towards the top of the search engines and enjoy the results. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK