SUBJECT: Auto Niche Blogs Lesson #2 - Worth Blogging About Your Hobby? {!firstname_fix} Would you create a website without knowing whether your product is something that people actually want? Would you spend $1,000's of dollars advertising a brand new service without making darn sure that there is an existing customer base who actually will pay for this service? Would you re-mortgage your home, or put your live savings at risk by investing in an online or offline business without researching every bit of information you could BEFORE jumping in? Hundreds of "newbie" bloggers are wasting day after day on "hobby blogs".. The biggest mistake that I see new bloggers make, every single day, are in trying to establish a blog that really caters to ONE person; themselves.. If you fail to do your homework and to analyze exactly what kind of blog is in demand BEFORE you construct it, there's no guarantee that your hard work (and energy) will pay off.. So, why are so many bloggers going about it the wrong way? The answers lies in the fact that they do not follow what already works. They do not model what they're doing after other's who have been there and failed. The key to success with blogs is in the *automation*! Without it, you'll wear yourself out, and limit the amount of sites and niches you can go into. Follow the link below for a full video series on how to automate your blogs!.. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME