SUBJECT: Auto Niche Blogs Lesson #3 - I Blame The Gurus! {!firstname_fix} Blogs take work.. and anyone who tells you differently is selling you a system that will completely eliminate any real chance of you being successful. While you can create a blog that leaks out content on a daily basis (which will save you a load of time), in order to jumpstart and maintain a TRULY successful blog (the kind that floods your inbox with payment notifications), you need to follow a proven system that has been used by EVERY pro blogger online.. Engaging Your Visitors - Interacting With Your Visitors - And Selling To Your Visitors! This system is common sense to those who have managed to make a full time income with their blogs, but for everyone else, they fail to recognize the vital elements of a successful blog network.. Instead, they follow some outdated system designed by a guru (who probably doesn't even have a blog) that tells them to create blogs on auto-pilot, deceiving them into believing that the MORE they throw out there, the better their chances that something with stick.. WRONG! If you want to become a wealthy blogger, you need to follow a system that will teach you exactly how to determine your blog market, how to integrate profitable modules that will boost your bottom line instantly, and how to effectively promote your blog on a shoestring budget, while maximizing your outreach quickly and easily.. Follow the link below for a full video series on how to automate your blogs!.. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME