SUBJECT: Auto Niche Blogs Lesson #4 - Elements Of A Long-Lasting Blog {!firstname_fix} Even if your blog is an extension of your website, you can use it as a subsidiary resource platform that can help introduce readers to your company, and encourage them to continue reading. From the customer or visitor’s perspective, there are essential signs of credibility that help distinguish one source form another. Let me go over them breifly with you.. 1. Longevity of the blog How long has it been active, how many posts are there? 2. Experience Does the author have other sites and experience published around the web? If so, what are they? Expertise – can the author verify their expertise? 3. Design Is the site well-constructed and updated according to industry standards? 4. Writing style Is the author a strong writer, or do they seem to post poorly written content on a regular basis? 5. Readership Has the blog or site reached a high amount of readers? Many people turn to ranking indexes such as Alexa to determine this. 6. Consistency Are the posts regular and arranged in the appropriate categories, or are they simply submitted to the blog randomly? 7. Transparency Is the voice natural and friendly, or does it sound like it is coming from the marketing/PR department of the company? Gaining steady readership will take time, but establishing credibility is a long-term goal for any blogger regardless of experience if you're wanting to earn a steady and consistent flow of cash. Follow the link below for a full video series on how to automate your blogs and free up your time!.. YOUR LINK To Your Success, YOUR NAME