SUBJECT: Blogging Lesson #3 - Optimizing Your Blog With SEO {!firstname_fix} Blogging can greatly enhance any websites natural search results through regular posting, and natural keyword placement. There in fact is no stronger way to market ones website for free than by blogging with natural keywords. Similar to article marketing, posting daily blogs with the keywords of your business included can have remarkable effects on the ranking of your site in any given search engine, and thus net you more traffic. The key to gaining more traffic from the keywords is what is called long tail keywords, and short tail keywords. The word tail refers to the length of the keyword term. A short tail keyword term would be “internet marketing” whereas a long tail keyword term would be “internet marketing for people that own mac computers” and so on. The short and long tailed keywords help your post get picked up in the search engine as highly applicable to the keyword that a person was searching in the first place. Getting picked up in search engines can lead to huge masses of traffic heading to your site everyday. There are top keyword placers that use blogs to retain huge amounts of daily traffic to their sites just by implementing these long and short tail keywords into their posts. The amazing thing about blogs is they are picked up by the search engines almost as quickly as one posts to it, which makes it a wonderful tool for SEO purposes. Another way blogging can help your sites search engine ranking is by the quality score. Most search engines, including Google rank sites with a quality score, the more unique, user provided content, the higher the quality score. If a website is just a sales page, and a few pictures, the quality score will most likely be low. But if a site has a blog on it, with fresh, daily posts, the quality score becomes much better, and thus the site gets ranked much higher when people are searching for your niche, or keyword terms. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK