SUBJECT: Blogging Lesson #4 - Understanding Really Simple Syndication (RSS) {!firstname_fix} Many people fail to realize that blogs started out as a subscription style online journal for people to receive via email, otherwise known as a RSS feed. Blogs are at their most fundamental state nothing more than a journal posting that can be delivered to subscribers via email. The RSS feed is an easy way to land your blog post in millions of people’s inboxes, and on the net under bookmarks as well. With the advancement in technology the RSS feeds will now auto update themselves to provide people with a wonderful array of blog posts daily without ever having to actually visit the blog itself. This means that one can grow a virtual subscriber base with one simple niche blog, and profit from the experience every time they make a post. Utilizing the power of blogging and RSS one can make some serious money by keeping people up to date with affiliate products, and services. Since the RSS feed will deliver the blog to subscriber’s mailboxes, and let millions of people on the net know what your blog is about through a RSS feed description, it makes sense to attempt to profit from such an advantageous situation. By offering affiliate products, one can provide their own affiliate link embedded into the blog for readers to click. One example of setting up a blog for maximum RSS exposure is to write a blog with hyperlinked keywords that are directly linked to your products. The more links the better, as the more chances you will have to sell the affiliate items to your subscriber base. Make sure that the links are either live, or given actual URL’s in the actual post so that the user can stay within their own e-mail application while reading, and visiting the recommend site that you provide them with. RSS feeds are hugely popular today, and known to help search engine optimization as well, and thus are a must do for anyone serious about profiting off of blogs. Setting up the RSS feed is as easy as filling out a short questionnaire in the blog application of your choice, which means it takes little time to do something that can help you profit big. To Your Success, YOUR NAME YOUR LINK