re: 500 members @ $20/month is $10,000/month! Here's how... RE: How to Make $10,000/m Consistently Selling $20 Products... REMINDER: This made a $112,800 income from a simple $47 idea... re: How to Build *Continuity* Cash (and get paid month after month...) Just because you've launched one or two products that have made a few sales don't think it's time to quit your day job just yet... Let me tell you from experience, just because you have one or two successful product launches you definitely still want to keep the security of your day job! I have been selling e-books and software of one kind or another online for over 10 years now. I have been quite successful at it. But the biggest mistake I ever made was when I quit my job, before I turned that new found income into steady income. YOUR LINK?l There is a big difference, between selling a few e-books and software products... and being in the position where you can be 100% positive you can continue to create steady income on an ongoing basis. One of the best ways you can be absolutely sure that you'll make sales month in, month out, is a membership website or continuity program. Sure one-hit 5-figure product launches are great and can bring in a lot of money in a short period of time, and I definitely recommend that you continue working on those types of products... But if you want REAL security in your business, then you absolutely must have at least one or two membership websites that bring you a steady recurring income every single month no matter how good or bad your next launch does... YOUR LINK?l To Your Success! YOUR NAME P.S. You will be able to quit your day job soon enough, but just make sure you can count on your new income before you do!